38 thoughts on design

We dreamed about the moment when everything we did could be shared across the web without limitations. What we were missing badly was broadband. And now it’s happened – You Tube has delivered the final tools to everyone who believes in visual story telling. It all came together – the ideas, storyboarding, shooting, editing, animation, you name it.

Motion Graphics or
Visual Story Telling

Does anybody remember Future Splash Animator?

Somewhere in 1995, a small company called FutureWave Software developed a simple vector based animation program. Two years later, I was attending the very first presentation of Macromedia’s newly acquired program called Flash at their premises in Barcelona. There were three people presenting and three of us listening. It sounds like a joke now. A few months later at MILIA (Digital Media Exhibition, Cannes, France) I was stunned at what some young talents were doing with Macromedia Director, and it became clear to me how the future of design would change. I went back to Barcelona, talked to my boss at that time (Artcelona Creative Agency) and tried to convince him that we should add web design and multimedia to our services. When this didn’t fly, I started my own shop. Flash and Director advanced slowly and became better with every new version. While working as a webmaster at the Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona, I was introduced to After Effects (Adobe) by a very good friend of mine, Toni Curco, who was in charge of preparing digital parts for the exhibitions. It was a great software platform, but the result could only be delivered on CD’s. We dreamed about the moment when everything we did could be shared across the web without limitations. What we were missing badly was broadband. And now it’s happened – You Tube has delivered the final tools to everyone who believes in visual story telling. It all came together – the ideas, storyboarding, shooting, editing, animation, you name it. It can be done in so many different ways. Playing with textual content, compelling imagery, colour, composition, contrast and rhythm. The sky is now the limit. The inevitable fusion of TV and the Internet is here. Entertainment, education, information all blended into compelling content, and delivered in any media. It’s here, and we can help you capture it.


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Barcelona Media Design on Facebook Barcelona Media Design on Facebook Barcelona Media Design on YouTube "A few months later at MILIA (Digital Media Exhibition, Cannes, France) I was stunned at what some young talents were doing with Macromedia Director, and it became clear to me how the future of design would change."